Friday, September 25, 2009

To bulge or not to bulge?

I am a big fan of boxer briefs. They are not only tight enough to keep the goods in check but stylish enough to take your pants on in front of your date without turning the lights off . Best of all, they are a great foundation for most outfits.

And that is the right question: do outfits call for specific types of underwear?

I came across this picture of Shia today and my first reaction was "oh helllll no!"
Judge for yourself...

WTF! OK first don't get me started on the short pants no socks look. Not a big fan.
But WTF was he thinking when we chose to let loose?

There is only one reason a man should sport this look: you are hung like a horse and you want a promotion. Other than that, no one needs to see so much of you.